A year in the Wildlife of Salisbury Plain
Short Eared Owl by Alan Benson
Club members and guests enjoyed a very interesting and informative presentation by well know local wildlife photographer Alan Benson. Alan is well known for his amazing wildlife photographs, so this was a chance to hear some of the stories behind the images and how he manages to get so close to his subjects.
Alan has a staggering knowledge of wildlife amassed over many years of observing nature. To get good images of wildlife the photographer needs to know the subject well. Field craft skills are essential to achieve the best wildlife photographs.
Alan showed a selection of his images showing the wide variety of creatures to be found on Salisbury Plain in all seasons. During the winter there are flocks of golden plovers and lapwing to be seen.
If you know where to look the recently re-introduced great bustards can be found in quite large groups. Alan had many amusing stories of his encounters with this large bird.
Alan showed images of several species of owl including amazing shots of the barn owl which is one of Alan’s favourite birds. Club members were impressed by his many stunning images of birds, deer, hares, and insects.
Alan tries to look out for any unusual behaviour in order to capture something a bit different. By being extremely still and quiet he can often get birds or mammals to come up close so that he gets amazing close-ups – even sometimes so close that he can only get the subject’s head in the frame. Alan’s advice is to always concentrated on the eyes as that is what the viewer of an image is drawn to. Patience is the game!!
Try and get an uncluttered background and wait for a bird or mammal to move out of a bush to an open area. Alan often takes images from inside his car as he can find a suitable spot and just wait for something to turn up.
As well as images taken on Salisbury Plain Alan showed some of his beautiful kingfisher images taken at Bradford on Avon.
Alan gets his images correct in camera with hardly any post processing. Alan’s shots are mostly handheld with the camera set on manual. With years of experience, he knows his camera controls so well that he can select the right settings while still observing his subject.
As well as a large selection of projected images Alan displayed some of his prints for members to view.
Alan was thanked for sharing his fascinating stories and showing his superb wildlife images. PM
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