Join Us

Annual Subscriptions £50
New members joining after 1st January pay £30 subscription for the remainder of that club season.
Annual Subscription Junior Member £30
(under 21 at the start of the year of membership. New Members joining after 1st January pay £15 subscription for the remainder of that club season.)
Member Per Meeting £4
Junior Member per meeting £2
Guest fee non-members £4
(Up to a maximum of 3 meetings, after which they will be asked to join the club)
Special Interest Group £2


Thank you for showing an interest in our club, why not come along to one of our meetings, meet some of the members, and find out what we do? 

You can attend up to three meetings before you commit to full membership.

What will you find? Well, we are a friendly club with a wide age range of members where you can further your interest in still photography, appreciate the art form and enjoy the company of like-minded people. It does not matter what type of camera you have, generally the best one is the one that you happen to have with you at the time! We have members with all different makes and types of cameras who are only too willing to share their knowledge and experience.

We currently have over 60 full members with a wide range of abilities. There are competitions to enter if you wish – they are not compulsory, but they are a good way of getting feedback on your images. Each club evening has a different theme as you can see from the
Programme page.

If you would like more information, please look at our
About Us page or contact one of the Committee members and we will be happy to make sure you get the information you are seeking.

I look forward to seeing you at one of our meetings – do come and say hello.

David Wilkinson


We meet at Devizes Rugby Club clubhouse on Tuesday evenings from September to the end of May – doors open about 7.15pm with meetings commencing at 7.45pm. PLEASE ARRIVE EARLY

Workshops continue all year. You must be a member of Devizes Photography Club to join in the Special Interest Workshops.

We provide a stimulating environment where members can meet, learn, share, improve, compete and enjoy their photography.

You are welcome to join the club whether a complete beginner or an experienced photographer.

About 35% of our members are ladies so do not feel it is a club for men only.
You can use any type of camera from a basic 'point & shoot', DSLR, mirrorless camera or even a smart phone.

To join please complete our Joining Form

Devizes Photography Club - Data Protection Policy

Devizes Photography Club - Code of Conduct


New members can get more information on the About Us page or by contacting the Membership Secretary

Club News!

“Devizes Photography Club has opened up a whole new part to my life, new friends and a fabulous hobby though a slightly poorer bank balance.  I love the variety of speakers and activities we get throughout the season.  There is always something for everybody, as well as the competitions.  It is all about enjoying yourself and trying not to take it all too seriously.  The social side is fabulous too both on a club evening and on the Special Interest Group Workshop outings throughout the year.” SW