AGM & Award Evening

Well dear readers, another year has finished at Devizes Photography Club and to round off the end of the year we had the AGM with just 2 resolutions this year. Firstly to increase the weekly payment to £4 to take into account the annual increase by the Rugby Club. Secondly to rename the Projected Image League to the name on the Trophy of the Hewitt Cup and all have the 2 of the panels of 5 different genres. David Wilkinson our chairman then thanked members of the club that had contributed to making the club as good as it is for their hard work. We then had presentations of all the trophies won this year and images of all the winners at the club on the night being presented with their trophies are below together with a table of the awards.. Tea and most importantly cake which was provided by Barbara, Caroline and Jen topped off the end of the evening.

TROPHY AWARDED FOR Section Type Description Winner
Roy Kemp Rose Bowl Photographer of the Year - Advanced PRINTS Adv PRINT Photographer with the most points for PRINTS in their section 2023 R. Harvey
Payne Cup Photographer of the Year - Advanced PROJECTED IMAGES Adv PI Photographer with the most points for PROJECTED IMAGES in their section 2023 P. Clarke
'Rabbit' Plaque Photographer of the Year - Intermediate PRINTS Int PRINT Photographer with the most points for PRINTS in their section 2023 B. Codrington
Preliminary photographers Shield Photographer of the Year - Intermediate PROJECTED IMAGES Int PI Photographer with the most points for PROJECTED IMAGES in their section 2023 S. Knight
Ralph Pullen Cup Photographer of the Year - Beginners PRINTS Beg PRINT Photographer with the most points for PRINTS in their section 2023 B. Jones
Photographer of Year Beginners PI. -Salver Photographer of the Year - Beginners PROJECTED IMAGES Beg PI Photographer with the most points for PROJECTED IMAGES in their section 2023 G. Clarke
Payne Trophy Print of the Year - Advanced Adv PRINT PPIOTY - Winning PRINT - Advanced 2023 R.Harvey
Silver Plate' - Pewter Salver Projected Image of the Year - Advanced Adv PI PPIOTY - Winning PI - Advanced 2023 C. Wright
Cherhill Plate - salver Print of the Year - Intermediate Int PRINT PPIOTY - Winning PRINT - Intermediate 2023 D.Lock
Monkton Plaque Projected Image of the Year - Intermediate Int PI PPIOTY - Winning PI - Intermediate 2023 C. Purvis
Beginners Print Cup Print of the Year - Beginners Beg PRINT PPIOTY - Winning PRINT - Beginner 2023 B. Jones
Beginners PI Salver Projected Image of the Year - Beginners Beg PI PPIOTY - Winning PI - Beginner 2023 G.Clarke
Demiurgic Cup Creative Projected Image   PI   2023 J.Skjoldbro
Silver Birches Trophy -Salver Landscape Print   PRINT   2023 Bridget Codrington
Derrick Turner Memorial Trophy Landscape Projected Image   PI   2023 D. Evans
John Sowman Memorial Trophy Nature Print   PRINT   2023 D. Wilkinson
Bowker Praed Shield Nature Projected Image   PI   2023 Simon Knight
Hewitt Cup Members' Projected Image League   PI   2023 D. Wilkinson
Ryder Rathband trophy (Salver) Ryder Rathband Trophy for Salon Acceptances   Salon   2023 R. Harvey
Constance Mundy Trophy Monochrome Projected Image   PI   2023 P. Clarke
Fox Talbot Trophy Monochrome Print   PRINT   2023 B. Codrington

Club In-House


Ladies vs Gents battle