Mostly Abstract - with a bit of landscape

Last night Devizes Photography Club enjoyed a zoom talk by Linda Bembridge FRPS, EFIAP, the subject being “Mostly Abstract - with a bit of landscape”.

Linda introduced her talk with two questions., Am I having fun and Am I immersed in what I an doing?

Her work is presented in a square format often ‘Squishing’ her images to achieve this rather than cropping. she works on projects, taking multiple exposures while changing the blending modes. This way a panel has a certain uniformity, but allows her to alter colours and add different embellishments by painting on highlights in gold amongst other colours after printing to complete the finished image.

She has also done scanography, printing flowers onto metal work, which can then be hung outside to adorn fences and walls to brighten her garden out of season.

Linda has also been experimenting with printing and embellishments onto multiple acetate layers and putting up to a centimetre thick stack into a frame, giving a 3D effect.

The talk was thought provoking and gave ideas to many in the club to go outside their comfort zones.

To find out more about Linda please visit her website. GC


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