Photography And Music
Red Sun By Martin Addison
This week’s guest speaking to the club was Martin Addison FRPS, the title of his talk being Photography and Music. Martin first picked up a camera in his teens, and by 1970 had joined a club, encouraging him to spend more time doing photography. By 1992, he had gained his ARPS with a set of creative colour slides. He started making audio-visual sequences in 1977, which were presented initially on a two and later, four projector system. He was awarded his FRPS in 1994, started using Photoshop in 1997, and now finds that Lightroom does just about everything he requires.
Martin gave us an exploration of creative image making, including projected images and creative audio visuals, showing how the PIs were incorporated into the AV. In the first half of the evening, Martin took us through trips to Harris and Lewis, Venice and Namibia, showing us techniques like creative focus, colour grading, abstracts and wild colours. Having been shown the projected images, Martin then ran the audio visuals with music to suit, sometimes poetry, and how he has used the tools in Lightroom to create his wild colours.
Martin had also brought a newly printed collection of images for display, again showing different techniques and genres on different papers.
The second half of the evening was also packed with PIs and AVs from woodland to snowy scenery from Hokkaido Japan, ICM, to derelict buildings, panels of texture, design and shapes, and lastly an AV titled Lucy, which Martin had put together on an iPad. In the short time available, Martin showed us what was possible to explore, and not to treat the record image taken as the end of the process, rather the beginning. There is so much more we can do as photo artists. His more than forty years experience of creating audio visual sequences made for a very comprehensive, absorbing evening. GC
If you are interested in seeing more of Martins work please visit his website.

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