Fungi Foray in West Woods
Like the nursery rhyme The Teddy Bears Picnic ‘If you go down into the woods today, you’re sure of a big surprise’ and a surprise we certainly had. Having walked through West Woods on a fungi spotting walk a few days before with friends I had a lot to show the 10 people from the club who decided to come on the fungi foray. West Woods were felled and replanted in the 1950’s and currently managed by the forestry commission. The way they are managed provides an excellent habitat for fungi and in late spring bluebells. I started by showing a large area where people could spread out and due to the recent rain, we were literally falling over fungi wherever we turned.
Fly Agaric by Sue Wadman
Before people had set up their cameras, I also explained that I knew an area where there were several Fly Agarics so most of the group decided that that is where they wanted to start. There were enough fungi that everyone had their own little patch to photograph. Lights to illuminate the fungi came from ring flash, mobile phones, and torches.
After about an hour we then moved to the main fungi area and there were so many fungi people did not know where to start. It was even difficult placing your feet so as not to disturb them. Unfortunately, we were a bit early in the season for the coral and stag head varieties I had seen the previous year. I have seen more than 21 different varieties including Smoky-Gilled Hypholoma, Yellow Fieldcap, Aniseed Funnel, Sheathed Woodtuft, Amethyst Deceiver, White Coral Fungus, Collared Parachute and White Saddle. Good apps for identifying fungi are Shroomify and I particularly like Seek.
Bridget was on hand to fortify us with her excellent flapjacks. At around midday most of us set off back to the car park but a few stayed on. Over the next week I was told a few people had gone back to photograph more as there was so much to take in.
Where were we? Well, you will have to join us next year to find out.
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