Digital Adventure 2022

Renowned creative photographer Colin Harrison EFIAP/d3 MFIAP MPSA GPSA FRPS FBPE FIPF APAGB MPAGB AWPF was welcomed back to the club to show some more of his very imaginative images.

During his introduction the club chairman remarked on Colin’s long list of photographic achievements acquired during his years as a top photographer. During his presentation Colin explained about the range of competitions and Salons that photographers can enter.

Colin says that he considers himself a ‘happy snapper’ and takes photos of anything and everything.

To achieve his surreal creative montages Colin demonstrated how he combines various images and backgrounds using layers. All the elements used need to relate to one another to build up the image. Colin showed how his vivid imagination and creative skills combine to create his award-winning images.

The term ‘creative’ means different things to different people and Colin feels the image must create a mood and atmosphere to be successful. He adds textures which help blend all images together.

He always likes to experiment and showed us how he takes images of water droplets using flash and often rigs up makeshift devices to help him get the image he wants.

Colin said he likes to have fun with his photography, don’t be too serious – just enjoy!!

Steve Hardman thanked Colin for his entertaining, informative, and different presentation. PM

See more of Colin's images on his website

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An Evening of Light Painting


Open Print 01 Competition