Open Print 01 Competition
To see all the award winning images please visit our Gallery.
The first Open Print Competition of the season was judged by Aleks Gjika EFIAP DPAGB and was seen by members via Zoom. He said in his introduction that he had developed his photography over many years but this was his first year as a judge.
Aleks said that he had enjoyed judging such a great selection of members’ prints and as with all competition judging he will give his comments and his ideas on any improvements that might have been made. The judging was made entirely on the actual prints but as the competition was shown on Zoom, jpegs of the entries were shown to members. Aleks remarked on the differences between the print and the digital version. Often this was the light and contrast in the image but also colours could look rather different.
Members will be able to see the actual prints at the meeting next Tuesday.
The 15 Beginners entries were the first to be judged. In first place was a print by Tony Leach titled ‘Hello Mr Bee Eater’. The judge liked the composition, and the image was sharp and well printed. Tony also was awarded 2nd place with ‘Mayflies Warming Up’ and an HC for ‘Catch of the Day’ so congratulations to Tony.
Third place went to ‘6 Thru the Esses’ by Dave Johnson and an HC was awarded to ‘Reed Warbler’ by Richard Jones.
In the Intermediate section the judge said that ‘Sunrise, Marlborough High Street’ by Bridget Codrington had spectacular light and awarded it first place. Second place went to ‘Storm Approaching Peter Evans and in third place was ‘Savernake’ by David Lock
Sunrise, Marlborough High Street by Bridget Codrington
Lastly the 17 Advanced entries were shown, with a still life taking first place. ‘Duo of Seabass’ by Jane Wiltshire. Aleks said that the objects worked well together, the colours were well chosen, and it was an excellent print.
Duo of Seabass left by Jane Wiltshire.
Second and third places went to landscapes by Robert Harvey ARPS EFIAP titled 'Milky Way, Kynance Cove' and 'Kirkjufellbefore Winter Sunrise'.
Aleks was thanked for judging the Print competition and for giving his excellent critique.
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