Open Print 2

Last night was competition night, this time the Open Print 02 competition, judged by Peter Ottley CPAGB, LRPS who gave an instructive and detailed commentary. Yet again as a club, we were complemented by Peter for our high standard of photography and also our good quality mounting and printing. Congratulations got to Tony Leach in the Beginner section for getting 1st and 3rd place and Heidi Massey for 2nd and a HC. In the Intermediate section David Lock got a double as well with 1st and 3rd Place with Bridget Codrington getting 2nd place. The Red Grouse in the Snow got David Wilkinson 1st place and David Eagle scored another double with 2nd and 3rd place. Well done to all our winners. During the coffee break we were able to see the prints for ourselves close up.

To see all the award winning images please visit our Gallery for the Open Print 2 competition and for points our points table.

Due to a slightly reduced entry in the print competition, we were able to see and discuss a selection of images from our recent Special Interest Group trip to Bristol. People were very interested to see views that had escaped them and discuss the editing, with several images looking better when turned to mono. PC & BC


‘Odd Things’


The Emotional Landscape