Abandoned Architecture
Architecture Penny Clarke Architecture Penny Clarke

Abandoned Architecture

James Kerwin highlighting his journey and 10 years behind a camera. It inspired the listener through his journey with a camera as well as his love for travel and hidden architecture.

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Developing a Creative Approach
Penny Clarke Penny Clarke

Developing a Creative Approach

This week welcomed Glenys Garnett BA (Hons) RPS who is a visual artist and uses photography as her primary medium to realise her creative ideas around nature and the environment, to give her talk, ‘Developing a Creative approach’. And boy, did Glenys give u a multitude of ideas and ways to move our creative abilities forward.

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Annual Nature Competition
Penny Clarke Penny Clarke

Annual Nature Competition

Helen Llewelyn our judge for the night had a tough job to choose the winners from a field of such a high standard.

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Special Interest Group Outings
Penny Clarke Penny Clarke

Special Interest Group Outings

This week, the Devizes Photography Club meeting was held to show images from some of the nine outings the club has held in the last year.

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“It’s a brilliantly run club with friendly members who are passionate about photography. For competitions we are set in expert, intermediate and beginner groups where you will be with members of similar experience. Give it a try. I am really enjoying myself as a member” PE