Light in the Land
Landscape Penny Clarke Landscape Penny Clarke

Light in the Land

This week’s talk was by Verity Milligan titled ‘light on the Land’. Verity described her almost accidental journey to becoming a full time professional photographer and judge for LPOTY

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Annual Landscape Competition
Penny Clarke Penny Clarke

Annual Landscape Competition

his week we saw the judging by Paul Mitchell FRPS, MCSD, head of the Distinction panel for landscapes at he RPS of the Devizes Photography club’s Annual Landscapes Print and Projected Image Competitions for the Silver birches Salver and the Derek Turner Memorial trophy respectively.

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“It’s a brilliantly run club with friendly members who are passionate about photography. For competitions we are set in expert, intermediate and beginner groups where you will be with members of similar experience. Give it a try. I am really enjoying myself as a member” PE